The future of Shared Ownership

Stairpay is the must-have platform for anybody who lives in a Shared Ownership property
Track your monthly spend on housing costs

Forecast your future monthly costs

It's hard to forecast your future monthly costs, so we do it for you
Keep an eye on the value of your home

Track the value of your Shared Ownership home

Receive a free monthly HPI valuation of your home, based on Land Registry data
Find the right time and team to staircase to 100%

Find the right time to staircase to 100%

Our team of experts can guide you through your journey to 100% ownership
Get started
Staircasing with Stairpay

See if you can afford to staircase

When deciding whether or not to purchase more shares in your Shared Ownership property it is key to understand your budget. Our staircasing calculator allows you to work out how much you can afford to staircase as well as the Stamp Duty implications of your transaction
See what you can afford
Get the right team in place
Selling with Stairpay

Looking to sell your property? Do it for free

If you're looking to sell your Shared Ownership home, Stairpay can help you list it on the main property portals for free. Our technology allows you to manage your own sales process, saving so much time and money
Staircasing with Stairpay

Purchase smaller shares automatically

With Stairpay you can purchase shares as small as 1% automatically if your lease will allow. Simply select the amount, choose your bank and we'll take the payment. Staircasing has never been so simple, we even automate the legal documents so you have nothing to worry about
Keep track for one place

What Shared Ownership residents think about Stairpay

We've helped residents from all over the country demystify the staircasing process. We're proud to put residents first
5 star review
I would highly recommend
I love the resident portal, especially the home House Price Index valuation feature. So cool!
James, Optivo
December 05, 2023
5 star review
Finally someone who listens to residents
Stairpay has developed all the functionality I asked for. They continue to amaze me!
David, L&Q
August 28, 2023
5 star review
Incredibly useful
There is so much rubbish and outdated information out there about Shared Ownership. The Stairpay Academy is the best!
Jake, Orbit
July 24, 2023
5 star review
So helpful
Unfortunately I discovered Stairpay after I staircased last year. This would have been so helpful back then to simplify the process.
Gonzalo, Metropolitan
May 14, 2023